Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Great quote about marriage from Stephen King

I was re-reading Pet Sematary recently, and came across this tidbit.  It hits the nail on the head so much I just had to share it.  Marriage can be a surreal experience sometimes, and there are occasional moments when you look at your spouse and think, "Who the hell are you?"  Haha.  Luckily, it's pretty rare for me, but it does happen.  And I know he has the same moments about me.  After all, I do baby talk the cat to a ridiculous degree that even makes me doubt my own sanity at times, lol.  And that's just the tip of the crazy iceberg! 

1 comment:

  1. Since the white text is hard to read in part of the image, here it is in non-graphical form:

    Louis stared at her, nonplussed. He more than half suspected that one of the things which had kept their marriage together when it seemed as if each year brought the news that two or three of their friends’ marriages had collapsed was their respect of the mystery-the half-grasped but never spoken idea that maybe, when you got right down to the place where the cheese binds, there was no such thing as marriage, no such thing as union, that each soul stood alone and ultimately defied rationality. That was the mystery. And no matter how well you thought you knew your partner, you occasionally ran into blank walls or fell into pits. And sometimes (rarely, thank God) you ran into a full-fledged pocket of alien strangeness, something like the clear-air turbulence that can buffet an airliner for no reason at all. An attitude or belief which you had never suspected, one so peculiar (at least to you) that it seemed nearly psychotic.

    And then you trod lightly, if you valued your marriage and your peace of mind; you tried to remember that anger at such a discovery was the province of fools who really believed it was possible for one mind to know another.
