God knows you're lookin' good enough,
But you're so smooth and the world's so rough
You might have somethin' to lose
Oh, no, pretty mama, what you gonna
Do in those shoes?
I'm something of a pack rat. I have a very difficult time getting rid of anything that I think I might want in the future. I've purged every time I've moved, but there are certain boxes that I'll drag from place-to-place until I'm old and grey. One (oh, who am I kidding, there is more than one) of them is full of old dancing gear. I've always known that I'd want to have some of that stuff to look back at for purposes of nostalgia. In fact, I've always known that it is VITAL to my personal history to hang on to the relics of my past.
My birthday is coming up, so that might be why I've been inspired to look through some of my old stuff. I always have a weird sort of confusion/denial when I really think about how long I've been at this. I was 20 when I started (as a summer job that was supposed to last 2 months), and I will be 35 on March 1st. It just doesn't seem possible for that much time to have passed. I'm not one of these people who moans about birthdays and laments my lost youth.........maybe because I still feel young, or maybe because I just don't think of life that way....its hard to say, really, probably a combination of both.
I stayed up all night the other night thinking about life when I first started dancing, some things that I hadn't thought about in years. Thinking about those stories, it almost felt like I was thinking about someone other than myself. Of course I know it was me and I remember it all in amazing detail considering the circumstances, but the tales really do feel like something out of another person's life.
I guess that's how it goes. If I wasn't almost entirely different after 15 years I think it would indicate a severe case of arrested development (which I've been accused of! haha).
I really ought to make a list of the stories I want to tell so that I won't forget things as they come to me. Well, it's my blog, so I guess I'll just do that right here. ;-) These aren't in chronological order really, and this is just a rough idea of what I'd like to write about. Some are whole stories, others just small details that need to be incorporated *clears throat*
*WalMart panties and auditioning at Joker's Wild
*My friends and old JW crew: Tawny, Sunny (and her husband Siefer), Janeane, Tasty (and her husband the baker), Missy, Gary, Me me(sic), Molly, Sheila, Taboo and her sister ______, Jimmy and his parents, John Henry the bouncer, Jenny with the long legs, Michelle(oh how frustrating when you can't remember names......argh)Niki, Rockelle (sic), Buzzy, Shannon,
*Sunny stories--Godzilla the pitbull from hell, pickle juice, pushups and dancing in those thigh high boots
*Janeane stories--having a baby at the carnival, her young Canadian boyfriend Noel and her much older ex-husband who she was still technically married to
*Tawny stories--a bittersweet tale of a very beautiful girl, but a lot of funny shit too, drinking Long Island Iced Tea like a mind-eraser in the bathroom before we turned 21
*Dancing to wildly inappropriate music (which sometimes had to be pointed out, lol)
*Mud wrestling, oil wrestling, and foxy boxing
*Getting involved with the biker element (and naively putting myself in danger in the process)
*The crazy lady who sold "goods"
*Not being able to eat naked at first (not so much a story as a bizarre detail), Rax, the donut shop
*The costumes we wore, the shoes, pre-platform and body spray days,and the jukebox
*Sam taking a wild piss right in the middle of the bar
*My own little private party business (of which there are at least six great stories)
*Having after work privileges at a couple of little bars
*Staying up all night doing blow and playing with highly inappropriate people
*Attempting to hide my secret life
I'm sure I will have an infinite number of ideas to add to this list, but if anyone out there reading this is interested..............pick one and I'll tell it. Otherwise I may or may not get around to it. I have been meaning to blog more regularly, so perhaps this is a good way to get started. I'm very excited to have two people following my blog, and that inspires me for sure.