That last one is the main reason I say no. I just don't think any of those people need a window into my personal life. And now that I've friended one of them I have all of these outrageous things in my head that I want to post for my updates. Wtf? It's like I'm right back in high school dyeing my hair pink and wearing all black.
One reason I love stripping so much is that it is such an "outsider" kind of world. And I guess I've pretty much always felt like an outsider. I didn't fit in growing up, and I don't fit in with other adults now. There's just something in me that has always wanted to rebel. Going against the grain feels as natural to me as anything because I've been doing it my whole life.
Ah well, I'm not going to analyze it anymore tonight, but I am considering blocking that guy on Facebook. Ha!